About Us

Welcome to our blog

Our purpose is community education and wellness.

Wellness in this sense is the opportunity for each and every member of the community to reach their full potential. The ability for each person to explore their unique gifts and advance them in a way that fulfills them and the community.

This is an inter-generational endeavor to allow the different age groups in the community to work together so everyone can benefit.

Wellness is a state of being that is nurtured and developed within the community. It needs the support of many. When a person belongs to a group that they feel a part of and they can contribute and their contribution is appreciated they achieve a higher state of wellness.

When we evolve to a point where we appreciate everyone’s contribution and support each other we will move away from the habits of using material goods to make us happy.

There are many reasons why we should be concerned about the state of the human race on the planet at this time. We have put our energy into creating many amazing things unfortunately at the expense of the environment that supports human life and other life on the planet. It is time to turn our energy and creativity towards adding to the environment  and our own health as we create a richer life experience.

The human brain is unlimited. We have one hundred billion neurons or nerve cells in our brain, each one capable of producing 10,000 to 100,000 connections and the possible combinations of connections is unlimited. We are only limited by what we use our brains for.

We have many partners in the community and appreciate the help of all.

The Qualicum Beach Community and Wellness Society

The Arrowsmith Agricultural Board

The Qualicum Beach Community Education and Wellness Society

The Coombs Farmers Institute

The Qualicum Beach Farmers Market

And numbers of individuals we will mention from time to time.

I am sure there are a number of ways to explore growing our own food and we will explore as many as we can.

The point is improving quality of life without needing material wealth as a bench mark. Growing without growth. Growing on many levels socially, emotionally, physically can be achieved while making our community a better place and enhancing the planet at the same time.

Chronic disease consumes 80% of our health care budget. This is a life style disease and is due to inappropriate choices. These choices of wrong food, isolation, lack of needed movement, an inability to deal with the stresses of life whether by choice or circumstance can be changed.

The change can only come by accessing the needed help within the community from other members of the community.

We hope you will join us in helping each other build an amazing community where all are supported.

Thanks for reading this.







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