New update pictures

Here are some recent pictures of the earth boxes we put in the orchard.

They are squash and two pumpkin plants. It is hard to see the earth boxes because of the size of the plants.

In some cases we have as many as 6 plants. They are all doing well despite the rain cool temperatures and cloud.





Try to find the earth boxes.

Guess what we will be having for dinner soon?





Guess what we will be having to eat soon?

Yes the earth box is under there.







The earth box is under there.

Another view.







Still can’t see the earth box.








This is our white pumpkin it was so stressed it almost didn’t make it. Now look at it go.








This is one of our acorn squash it was planted after the other squash.







Another view of our acorn squash.






Hope you enjoyed these.

I can’t believe these are growing so well.

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