Posture and Health

There are numerous studies on posture and health.

One simple way to understand where short and tight muscles will be found is to look at the fetal posture.

The above picture shows the head forward, the legs and arms flexed and the shoulders rolled forward. This is the posture we take on in stress mode or a return to safe position. I call this the fetal response pattern.

Reversing this posture tells the brain it is OK to open up and let go. See posture video on this page.

Good posture promotes a healthy body, aligns the spine, enhances internal organ function. This list could go on and on this may indicate we need to pay attention and get with the good posture program.

(NaturalNews) Bad posture is a modern day health epidemic that is much worse than most people naturally assume. Posture is the window into your spine. The spine has a powerful relationship with the brain, spinal cord, and overall organ function. This intimate connection means that poor posture and spinal health will lead to an overall decrease in brain and organ function.

Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Roger Sperry says that the spine is the motor that drives the brain. According to his research “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” Only 10% of our brain’s energy goes into thinking, metabolism, immunity, and healing. Sperry demonstrated that 90% of brain energy goes into processing and maintaining the body’s relationship with gravity.

One of the worst types of health problems people experience is a loss of the natural curves of their spine. Ideally, we should have a 40-45 degree curve in our neck that many chiropractors and neurosurgeons refer to as “the arc of life.” This curve helps to protect the brain stem and the spinal canal for the spinal cord and nerves that travel to every region of our body.

This ‘forward head posture’ can add up to 30 pounds of abnormal leverage pulling the entire spine out of alignment and may result in the loss of 30% of vital lung capacity,” says University of California’s director of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Rene Cailliet.

As forward head posture decreases lung capacity it affects the body from effectively oxygenating cells. This can lead to asthmatic conditions, blood vessel problems and heart disease. The oxygen deficit affects the entire gastrointestinal system leading to altered nutrient absorption and peristaltic activity. Lowered oxygen states also decrease endorphin production turning the perception of non-painful sensation into pain experiences.

Studies have shown that corrective based chiropractic care effectively reduces forward head posture and enhances the arc of life. A 2009 study by Morningstar and Jockers showed that this corrective process dramatically enhanced lung function. As the respiration process improves more oxygen gets into the body. This improves blood flow into every organ system of the body dramatically improving overall function.……
Improvement in Forward Head Posture, Cervical Lordosis, and Pulmonary Function with Chiropractic Care, Anterior Head Weighting and Whole Body Vibration: A Retrospective Study-Mark Morningstar DC, DAASP, FRCCM, FAAIM 1, David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS2J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – October 12, 2009

Learn more:
Correcting Posture

Always consult your health professional before starting any new exercise program.

Here are some simple and effective exercises.

A good way to convince your brain to work with you is to treat the exercises like a feel good stretch and hold it as long as it feels good.


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